Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Possible Lifetime Ban for A-Rod From Baseball for Using PEDs

A-Rod facing tough questions with his involvement with Biogenesis

I’ve grown tired of the show named “Alex Rodriguez.” Major League Baseball (MLB) is done with the re-runs aptly named “A-Fraud.” Having already fallen from grace, the greatest baseball player of our time is digging a crater sized grave for his career. Gone are the days of discussing whether A-Rod will go down as the greatest baseball player to ever live. He may however go down as the greatest in another category. If it weren’t for Jose Canseco, Rodriguez could have gone down as the greatest “juicer” in baseball history. And now it’s time for him to pay the piper. MLB has made a plea bargain offer to Rodriguez: Take the rest of this year off and all of next year or fight the allegations of taking Performance Enhancing Drugs (P.E.D.’s) with the possibility of a lifetime ban for a guilty verdict.

The sad thing is I can’t pull the card of “How could you disappoint all the young baseball fans who believed in you.” Fortunately, they have seen through your stale act. There won’t be any burning of A-Rod Yankee, Ranger, or Mariner Jerseys. They were given to the consignment should years ago. Your baseball cards have fallen to the status of the struggling Minor League journeyman who breaks into “The Show” every other year. What a fall from grace!

A-Rod doesn't have too much to smile about theses days.

I feel sorry for Derek Jeter having to stomach and play with the antithesis of what the many Yankee legends stood for. I feel very confident in saying that such greats as Joe D., Lou Gehrig, Mickey, Thurman Munson, and Yogi Berra would rip his jersey off right where he stood and put his career as a Yankee on ice. I don’t blame Jeter and the rest of the team for not coming to A-Rod’s rescue.

The great George Steinbrenner would always try to get a return on his investments. Unfortunately, that can’t happen. The old injury prone Rodriguez has been under-performing when not pumped up with the “juice.” He’s not putting up numbers worthy of the near $30 million that he receives annually. He received that contract on the premise that he would continue to put up the gaudy numbers that did while on P.E.D.’. Since this is not a true reflection of his ability, I think it would be wise for Major League Baseball to come up with laws allowing teams to void contracts that convicted P.E.D. abusers have, making the agreement not longer binding.

A-Rod if you are smart, you will take the suspension. The writing is on the wall. The disgruntled Biogenesis worker already turned in the incriminating evidence along with giving your name up. Take the deal.  Many of us would rather you leave the game for good. If you don’t think wisely and quickly, this is exactly what may happen to you.

Should Alex Rodriguez receive a lifetime ban if found guilty?

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